The Alameda County Water District (ACWD) was founded in 1914 and currently serves over 357,000 people living and working in Fremont, Newark, and Union City. We deliver an average of 37 million gallons of water per day to our residential and commercial customers (nearly 13.5 billion gallons per year). ACWD draws its water primarily from 3 sources: the State Water Project (approximately 40% of supply), the Alameda Creek Watershed (approximately 40% of supply), and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission’s Hetch Hetchy Reservoir (approximately 20% of supply). The District utilizes nearly 900 miles of pipes and 13 reservoirs and tanks to fulfill our mission to deliver a reliable supply of high quality water at a reasonable price to our customers. It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to lay out the District’s policy objectives. With your support, I pledge my continued leadership to move ACWD forward.

Infrastructure investments


Strong foundations build strong futures. Infrastructure investments bring our Water District into the 21st century, answering today’s challenges with technological advancement for a better tomorrow.

Financial Discipline and Transparency


Water is a resource that we all share. We must ensure it remains clean, safe, and accessible to all. Rate assistance and sound fiscal management will sustain this vital resource for a community across generations.

Environmental Stewardship

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Sustainability drives longevity. Our health and the health of our environment are connected. Clean energy and watershed restoration secure our welfare by protecting the life that shares our water.