EnvironmentaL Stewardship

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Sustainability drives longevity. Our health and the health of our environment are connected. Clean energy and watershed restoration secure our welfare by protecting the life that shares our water.


Alameda Creek Watershed Steelhead Restoration

The Alameda Creek watershed was historically home to the steelhead trout, a federally-listed threatened species. But modifications to the streambed and the region’s urbanization have eliminated spawning areas and upstream migration. I continue to support the District’s efforts to make a more fish-friendly waterway in the Alameda Creek, including the construction of 2 fish ladders. Without these projects, ACWD would have significant limitations on our ability to maintain water supplies for our customers while still maintaining adequate flows to support aquatic life.

Clean Energy Program

At the direction of the Board, ACWD is researching opportunities that we have to conserve energy. Over the last 4 years, we have upgraded incandescent and fluorescent lighting to LED’s, started making use of gravity flow instead of pumping where possible, increased our investment in solar power, and done much more. Together, these projects have the potential to offset 12,600,000kWh annually and save the District nearly $700k/year!