Financial Discipline
and Transparency

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Water is a resource that we all share. We must ensure it remains clean, safe, and accessible to all. Rate assistance and sound fiscal management will sustain this vital resource for a community across generations.


Low-Income Rate Assistance Program

No one should have to choose between paying their water bill and putting food on the table. I have been a champion of ACWD’s low-income rate assistance program, better known as Help On Tap, and have supported every proposal to expand eligibility for the program and increase the bill credit. Rolled out in 2017, this program provides a $25 bill credit to qualifying households on each billing cycle. So far, nearly 1,000 customers have enrolled in the program. Eligibility criteria can be found at here.

Pension and OPEB Liabilities

Since I joined the Board in 2016, ACWD has decided to take a proactive role in paying down our pension and Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) liabilities. These are debts that are owed to former and current District employees that were deferred by previous Board Directors. The advanced payments we are now making will save the District an estimated $45 million in total payments over the next 3 decades.

Consumer Advocacy

Before joining ACWD, I served on the Alameda County Consumer Affairs Commission. I take seriously my obligation to serve our customers with their interests in mind - there’s no other agenda. As such, I do not, and have never, accepted campaign contributions from special interest groups, lobbyists, or political action committees.

District of Distinction Award

Since joining the Board in 2016, I have been committed to ensuring transparency in all aspects of the work that we do at ACWD. Proper fiscal management is paramount at public agencies, and it is vital that we demonstrate to our constituents that the District has sound fiscal and operational management policies in place. While we still have more work to do, I am proud that we were awarded the District of Distinction Award from the Special District Leadership Foundation (SDLF) in 2019, the highest honor conferred on special districts who demonstrate a commitment to transparency. This prestigious honor was given to the District for successfully implementing a comprehensive list of high-level transparency and good governance practices.